Jumat, 29 Juni 2012

adobe audition cs 6

Adobe Audition CS6 5.0 build 708 | 231 MB
Language: English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese, Korean

Adobe® Audition® CS6 software offers high-performance, intuitive tools for audio editing, mixing, restoration, and effects. Powerful new features such as real-time clip stretching, automatic speech alignment, and control surface support help you deliver projects faster than ever. Accelerate audio production with Adobe® Audition® CS6 software. Accomplish more in less time with intuitive editing, sound design, processing, mixing, and mastering tools, optimized for film, video, and radio workflows.

Roundtrip editing with Adobe Premiere Pro
Easily sweeten audio for video. Pass individual clips and multitrack mixes from Adobe Premiere® Pro CS6 software to Adobe Audition for editing, or send Adobe Premiere Pro sequences with a reference video to Adobe Audition for complete soundtrack creation.

Project exchange with third-party NLEs and DAWs
Easily move sessions between Adobe Audition and Avid Pro Tools using built-in OMF import and export functions in Adobe Audition. Share files with other video NLEs via XML interchange.

Native 5.1 multichannel support
Edit multichannel files and mix your projects in 5.1 surround. Adobe Audition CS6 includes a Surround Panner in the Mixer View, as well as a new Surround Reverb effect and Amplify, a multichannel gain processor.

  • Create high-quality audio products – Adobe Audition supports files with sampling depth to 32 bits and a sampling frequency of 192 kHz, and recording on any media (including magnetic tape, CD, DVD or DVD-Audio discs).
  • All processing is performed in a 32-bit resolution, which allows for a highly professional results.
  • Achieve maximum efficiency in the work – Adobe Audition will provide you with all the tools necessary to quickly and efficiently.
  • User-friendly interface allows you to perform the necessary operations in the shortest time, and floating panels provide a working fast – Rui simple adjustment of the working – transtva to suit your personal preferences.
  • Use integrated tools – Adobe Audition offers a complete solution for editing and mix-Bani audio files.
  • Built-in viewing modes (multi-track and is designed for editing), the special effects in real time, support loops, analysis tools, restore function and support for video series will provide you with unlimited opportunities in the processing of audio files.
  • Powerful tools, technology-based DSP – Use more than 45 effects, technology-based DSP, tools for creating master copies, analytical tools, as well as restore function audio files.
  • Create a soundtrack to the movie – Edit, mix and add effects to Phonograms in AVI, while watching the video.
  • Extended support for various audio formats – Work with audio files in all popular formats (including WAV, AIFF, MP3, mp3PRO, and WMA).
  • Intuitive user interface – With easy to use interface, you can start working immediately, without wasting too much time on training.

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