Kamis, 28 Juni 2012

Soundtrack Loops Ambient Space

Soundtrack Loops Ambient Space ACiD WAV | 311 Mb

Loops and samples for producing Ambient Space Music. Great for scoring multi-media and film as well. These otherwordly sounds have been designed and crafted from scratch with some of the best hardware synths and effects. One could seriously construct an entire album from this material. Each texture or loop can be layered in your favorite daw to create something completely new and dream like. Timestretch them and pitch them to create your own ambient beds. Good for video games, film, and relaxation as well. Come take a journey with us through space and time. Tempos range from 70-120 BPM. File names include tempo and key. Each loop repeats seamlessly.

Format: ACIDized WAV 24 bit 44.1kHz Stereo.

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